WK Women's Health Associates


Appointment Scheduling

All visits to our office should be scheduled, including same day and urgent care appointments. If you need to ask questions about your appointment or to change it, please call our office at 318-212-7931.

Because our physicians will deliver babies, we may need to contact you to reschedule or delay your appointment time, or you may be asked to see one of our nurse practitioners. Our staff and the expectant mothers certainly appreciate your understanding and patience. We realize that your time is also very valuable and we will try to accommodate your schedule.

You can also Request an Appointment Online.

Required Patient Forms

Save time by printing and completing the new patient information before your visit.

Office Hours

8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Fees & Billing

All Co-Pays, Deductibles and co-insurance are due at the time of your visit. Please come prepared to pay those.


We ask that you provide your current insurance information at every visit, to make sure we have your most up to date insurance information.

We accept Cash (No bills larger than $20), Visa, Mastercraft, Discover, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay, all tap and pay. We DO NOT accept checks.

You may call the billing office at 318-212-7931 EXT 114 if you have any questions about your bill for our office.

All Labs are billed separately, and we do not have access to any of your billing information for labs, so please contact the phone number on your bill.

Pay Your Bill Online

You can pay your bill online using Online Bill Pay.


Women’s Health Associates accepts most insurance plans. Our staff will be happy to file the insurance for you. Your insurance coverage is an agreement between you and the insurance provider. However, the final responsibility for payment of the bill belongs to you.

Whenever you come to our offices, please remember to bring your insurance card and carrier information with you.

This will help us be more efficient as we provide the best care for you.

Release of Information

Your information is privacy-protected. You must sign a request in order for us to release information to your insurance company or to friends / family.

Willis Knighton Health